The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Have Grain, Need Market

December 27th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Posted in Sustainability

Finally, local grain

Finally, local grain

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Someone has started growing and milling grain again close enough to the District of Columbia that you can buy it at the local farmers market.

That would be Rob Moutoux, representing the third generation of Moutoux farmers famous for their orchards, formerly at Seven Corners in Fairfax County. They recently sold the farm and moved farther out into Loudoun County near Purcellville. And besides their renowned peaches they now have 10 acres of wheat, oats, rye and other grains under cultivation.

Seen here is Rob Moutoux at the Dupont Circle farmers market this morning with some of his product. He estimates that his 10 acres produce about 30,000 pounds of grain, which he stores in wooden bins in his barn before turning it into whole wheat flour or rye flour or oat groats. During the season, the Moutoux also display their grain products at two farmers markets in Northern Virginia. But Rob said he is looking for wider distribution.

“Nobody else was doing it,” Rob said. “It’s the last link in the chain.”

To which I say, hell yes. This is the kind of product that should be in every local Whole Foods store at the very least. All you locavores out there have no excuse anymore not to be baking truly local bread, local pancakes, local cookies. It doesn’t do me much good, since I don’t eat starchy carbs. But please, do talk up Moutoux grains to your grocer and help make this venture a success.

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  • Howling_Duck_Ranch

    I have dreamed of growing grain for years. I have to accept that I do not live in a ‘grain conducive’ climate! One day, I’ll try it again in a drier clime…



  • Sylvie

    Thank you Ed for highlighting this! I need to make a trip to the Montoux farm to get some flour. Have been looking for local grains for a while.