The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Dan Snyder Must Go

February 3rd, 2011 · 2 Comments · Posted in Blog

Perhaps the worst owner in sports history

We normally write about food in this space. But I’ve also lived most of my adult life in the District of Columbia and have, over the years, observed both good and bad sides of the city’s most beloved team, the Washington Redskins. Since Jack Kent Cooke left, and Dan Snyder took over, we’ve seen almost uniformly bad–and not just on the field. Snyder has distinguished himself as the antithesis of the courtly and competent Cooke. Snyder may be the worst owner football has ever seen.

But now Snyder has stepped outside the bounds of being merely awful when it comes to running a football team and into the realm of actually threatening our core democratic values. He’s filed a law suit against the Washington City Paper for its series of reports on Snyder’s goofy management of the Redskins. Snyder and his lackeys suggest the City Paper got facts wrong, but so far the petulant owner has  failed to articulate exactly what those might be. In fact, Snyder just wants to silence the paper and its feisty sports columnist–Dave McKenna–by threatening to drive the cash-strapped, alternative weekly into bankruptcy with court costs.

It’s bad enough that Snyder has driven a proud Redskins franchise into the ground. Now he wants to use his money to attack D.C.’s other hometown institutions. Snyder is no Jack Kent Cooke. He’s nothing more than a corporate bully. He should leave.

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    the fans revolution

    fans rally snider must go now

  • The Wife

    While he’s making his departure he can do what Michael Wilbon has suggested, change the team’s name or change the logo to a potato!