The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Shrimp Stir Fry

April 23rd, 2009 · 2 Comments · Posted in Blog, Recipes

Shrimp with garlic sauce

Shrimp with chili garlic sauce

We found some shrimp frozen in the freezer. Defrosted and tossed in our cast-iron wok, this is the result: shrimp stir fry with vegetables and piquant garlic sauce. Notice, no rice. We are skipping the starchy carbs in favor of healthful protein and fresh produce. The wok makes quick and simple work of it.

Recipe: Shrimp Stir Fry


  1. 8 ounces cleaned shrimp (choose a sustainable variety, see note below)
  2. 1/2 sweet onion, cut into strips
  3. 2 celery stalks, sliced moderately thin on an angle
  4. 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into strips
  5. 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  6. 1 small knob fresh ginger, peeled and cut into small match sticks
  7. bottled chili garlic sauce
  8. mirin vinegar
  9. canola oil


  1. Get your wok good and hot. Add about 2 tablespoons canola oil.
  2. When it begins to smoke, add the vegetables and cook, tossing occasionally, until they begin to soften but are not quite cooked through.
  3. Remove to a bowl, draining excess oil back into the wok (we use a traditional Chinese wok tool for this. It looks like a small shovel.)
  4. Add the garlic and ginger to the wok, tossing frequently until the garlic begins to show signs of browning.
  5. Remove, draining oil away, and place garlic and ginger with the vegetables.
  6. Ease the shrimp into the wok, adding a little oil if necessary.
  7. Toss frequently until just cooked through.
  8. Add a tablespoon or two of of chili garlic sauce.
  9. Mix in the previously cooked vegetables, garlic and ginger.
  10. Add a dash of mirin for a bit of sweetness and some of your favorite vinegar (we used Sushi vinegar, but rice vinegar would also be a good choice) for tang.
  11. Toss until everything is heated through.
  12. Serve in warm bowls.

CulinaryTradition: Chinese

My rating: 5.0 stars

Photo by Leila Bruske

Photo by Leila Bruske

Daughter doesn’t care for shrimp. But you can do the very same thing with tofu (minus the chili garlic sauce).

For sustainable shrimp, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch recommends as “excellent” choices wild-caught pink shrimp from Oregon and spot prawn from British Columbia. It lists as “good alternatives” shrimp farmed in the U.S. or wild-caught in Atlantic and Gulf waters. Avoid imported shrimp.

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