The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Hear The Slow Cook with Kojo Nnamdi Today

February 3rd, 2010 · 1 Comment · Posted in food news, Tales

Tune in to 88.5 FM--also on the internet

Tune in to 88.5 FM--also on the internet

I will be in Kojo Nnamdi’s studio today at 12:30 pm for a half-hour segment on the “Tales from a D.C. School Kitchen” series that recently appeared in this space, detailing the food being served at my daughter’s elementary school–H.D. Cooke–here in the District of Columbia.

The series has created quite a stir in the food policy blogosphere, and got some recognition from Washington City Paper. But not so much from the mainstream media. It should be a lively discussion with lots to talk about, and timely, too, since “Healthy Schools” legislation is scheduled to come up for a hearing next Wednesday, Feb. 10, at the John A. Wilson Building.

(It’s not too late if you want to sign up to testify. Just send an e-mail here: ABenjamin@DCCOUNCIL.US.)

You can find Kojo’s show at 88.5 on the local FM dial, or at the WAMU radio. Kojo has a nice write-up of The Slow Cook blog on his website, where you can also listen to a recording of this particular broadcast over the internet.

And in case you were wondering what the kids were eating for breakfast at H.D. Cooke this morning, they had sugar-glazed cookies with chocolate- or strawberry flavored milk and grape juice. One little boy was dipping the cookies into his chocolate milk. Some kids took cereal. I noticed in the trash cans that many of the white milk containers were never even opened. They just got thrown away.

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  • brooksgarber

    Ed, I heard you on the radio this afternoon and was hoping we might speak about the school lunch programs. My name is Brooks Garber and I work at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. We have been looking at these issues, and we would love to chat with you more about them.
