The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Can’t Kill These Greens

February 27th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Posted in garden

Collards thrive in the snow

Collards thrive in the snow

Our lavender plant was completely flattened by two and a half feet of snow. The rosemary was splayed all over the ground as well. But the greens we planted last fall were unfazed and have bounced right back. Like these “Champion” collards, which received another dusting of snow last night.

I am always amazed how certain greens can survive the worst that winter delivers. Of course, if we had a green house, or if I’d bothered to erect a a plastic “tunnel” in the garden when I had a chance, we could be harvesting plenty of collards and kale and even salad straight through the coldest months. Even so, we’ll be eating our greens soon enough. I tasted some mizuna yesterday and it was powerful good. Brassica greens develop even more flavor after they’ve been “kissed” by frost.

If you planted greens in the fall and they were buried under the snow, just wait. Chances are they will revive and feed you into the spring.

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  • cookerann

    That’s awesome! I’m half expecting my rainbow swiss chard to reappear once the snow melts. It was truly the “gift that kept on giving” last year, from early spring till the very final days of fall.