The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm


November 6th, 2015 · No Comments · Posted in farming


Just two days later and our new goat shelter not only has a roof but it’s almost completely closed in.

My wife likes the corrugated steel look, and since she’s the boss where all things aesthetic are concerned, that’s what the goats are getting.

Since the shed is situated on a slope, the framing started with different lengths of posts on all the corners. The siding is cut on an angle so the bottom edge hugs the ground.

You can’t see the inside of the shed, but that will be lined with “kick boards” so the animals can’t damage the metal skin. The post holes have already been back-filled with the tractor. The final metal trim should be installed next week.

When work is done, we’ll lay down a thick layer of old hay for the goats to bed down in. It should be real cozy.

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