The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

New Lambs

March 28th, 2017 · 3 Comments · Posted in farming


We normally don’t see new lambs until April. But this morning when I stopped by the paddock to feed the animals I found these two little girls fresh out of the womb and eyeballing their new surroundings.

We don’t have a barn for lambing, just a three-sided shelter, and last year we lost several newborns when a freak April weather system sent temperatures plunging to -20. Otherwise we keep our rams separate from ewes until the first of November at least for the five-month gestation and hope for the best. That gives the lambs five or six months to grow before we sell them in the fall.

Meanwhile, these two little ones will stay with their mom for a couple of days in the pen where we keep the hay, time enough to bond.

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