Entries Tagged as 'bacon'
It’s true. These may look like your standard issue gingersnap cookies. But they are loaded with our new secret ingredient: bacon fat. We’ve been smoking our own bacon lately using pork belly from our friend Mike’s pigs. Besides being drop-dead delicious, this particular bacon is blessed with thick layers of fat. The jar of bacon […]
Tags:bacon·bacon grease·cookies·fat
We buy half a pig from our friend Mike and along with the chops and hocks and roasts the butcher gives us the option of having the hams and bellies processed. We’ve tried it, and didn’t care much for the results, which means dealing with our own hams and bacon. Thankfully, bacon is not terribly […]
The “carbonara” in this spaghetti dish is said to derive from the Italian word for “charcoal makers.” So I imagine those rough-hewn folk grabbing the simplest ingredients at hand–bacon, eggs, pasta and cheese–to make this classic hearty meal that cooks up in a hurry It sounds a little like an Italian version of breakfast for […]
Tags:bacon·eggs·food appreciation·Italian·pasta