Entries Tagged as 'chickens'
I moved our mobile chicken coop from the orchard to an area next to the main paddock to be closer to water and electricity for the winter. Our Rhode Island Red laying hens made themselves right at home–except for two, who seem to prefer the confines of the neighboring paddock. Chickens might range, but normally […]
Listen up, Americans. This is why the rest of the world loves its chicken feet: It makes some of the best stock you’ll ever taste. We saved 27 pairs of feet from our most recent Freedom Ranger harvest. My wife scalded the feet in a pot of 160-degree water. Then we peeled them. That part’s […]
The last of the 2015 Freedom Ranger broilers have been slaughtered and bagged and we are celebrating. My wife especially is toasting an occasion she has been looking forward to most of the season as she is no fan of the twice-daily drudgery involved in feeding, watering and moving the chicken “tractors” around the pastures. […]