The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

The Garden Spread in People

April 10th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Posted in Blog

Neighbors in Columbus, OH, join yards to form one big food garden

Neighbors in Columbus, OH, join yards to form one big food garden

Lawn give way to vegetables in Eagle Rock, CA, and Seattle, WA. (Michelle Obama's doing it, too.)

Lawns give way to vegetables in Eagle Rock, CA, and Seattle, WA. (Michelle Obama's doing it, too.)

Veggie planter boxes terraced on a hillside in Eugene, OR

Veggie planter boxes terraced on a hillside in Eugene, OR

Daughter Leila shows off her radishes. And yes, you can grow tons of tomatoes for the small costs of a seed packet.

Daughter Leila shows off her radishes. And yes, you can grow tons of tomatoes for the small price of a seed packet.

We’re in the People magazine issue dated April 20, the one with John Travolta on the cover that is appearing on news stands today. Beginning on page 123 there are several “before” and “after” photos of Americans turning their lawns into food gardens. Look for us in  the Dr. Greenthumb box on page 127. That’s daughter Leila proudly clutching her bunch of radishes..

I don’t know if this will appear in the on-line version of People. We weren’t there this morning, but who knows….

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