Is Fructose Poison?
June 27th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Posted in Wellness
Finally, here is a medical researcher who warns that carbohydrates are behind the obesity epidemic. Worse than most carbs, Robert Lustig of the University of California at San Francisco says that fructose, because of the insulin response it generates, is the metabolic equivalent of poison.
An obesity expert who has worked extensively with children, Lustic says too much insulin triggered by fructose consumption (that’s right, the fructose you get from drinking orange juice) interferes with the hormone leptin, which normally tells our brain when we’ve had enough to eat.
Obesity is not the result of gluttony or lack of exercise, as the low-fat mafia would have you believe. Research by experts such as Lustig challenges federal dietary guidelines that recommend more consumption of carbohydrates, rather than proteins and fats, or that feeding kids lots of fruits is healthy. But if you must eat fruit, eat whole fruit, not juice, for the fiber it contains. Drinking a glass of juice is far worse than any fat you might eat. Read the entire article here.
megwolff // Jun 27, 2009 at 12:48 pm
Interesting article. P.S. I signed up for your friends class online.
MG // Jul 25, 2010 at 3:24 pm
Umm, as far as I can tell, it’s Robert Lustig, not Ray or Lustic… Just saying. You might also check out some talks and the book by Richard Johnson “The Sugar Fix,” it complements Lustig’s work quite nicely. Apparently David Gillespie (a lawyer from Down Under) has also written on the topic of fructose in a couple of books entitled “Sweet Poison” and the follow-up ‘how-to’ book “Sweet Poison Quit Plan.” Though they only seem to be available Down Under, as yet.