The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Grow A Row For The Needy

July 30th, 2009 · No Comments · Posted in food news, garden

Sharing your produce puts a smile on everyone's face

Sharing your produce puts a smile on everyone's face

Do you have room in your garden for a few extra vegetables? Or perhaps you are already growing more than you and your family can eat.

Now there’s no excuse not to direct the nutritious extra food from your garden to people who can really use it. The Capitol Area Food Bank has started a new program that will make sure your surplus carrots and potatoes go to a local food pantry, soup kitchen or summer kids care center.

Fresh produce is a valuable source of nutrition but it is not typically donated because it is so perishable. Sign up for the Grow A Row program, however, and you will be building an immediate link to the needy. You can sign up here,, or call Anika Roth or Jody Tick at (202) 526-5344.

Truth is, we grow more food than our family can possibly consume in our kitchen garden here in the Columbia Heights neighborhood. We’ve been giving our extras to friends and neighbors. But I’m sure they’d be just as happy if they knew we were giving it to people who truly need it. The Grow A Row program will connect us with a social service group here in our own neighborhood. It makes a heckuva lot of sense.

If you don’t have produce to give now, put this on your calendar for February and make it part of your garden plan next year.

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