The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Happy Broccoli Rape

September 30th, 2009 · No Comments · Posted in garden

More like a turnip than broccoli

More like a turnip than broccoli

We’ve surprised even ourselves with the vigor of our broccoli rape so far. Planted in seed trays the first week of August, and transplanted into the garden September 7, our rape has grown big, broad leaves and is 18 inches tall. No sign of florets yet. But can they be too far behind?

Though related to common broccoli, broccoli rape, or rapini, is probably closer to turnip. The flavor is pleansantly bitter. Some say it’s an acquired taste. Like the Italians, we like it braised–leaves, stems and all–with garlic and lemon and lots of olive oil.

Sunlight gets more complicated this time of year. We play the angles off our own house (30 feet high, abutting the western side of the garden) as well as neighboring buildings. The sun sits lower in the southern sky, meaning the bed where our rape and traditional broccoli are located actually receives more sun now than it did during the summer peak, though less intense.

Admiring our patch of broccoli rape has become one of my favorite morning activities. With some 60 plants, all we need now is a strategy for eating them all.

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