The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

What I had for Lunch

March 3rd, 2010 · No Comments · Posted in Recipes

I'm melting!

I'm melting!

Cheese omelet with balsamic-glazed beef heart

preparation time: 15 minutes

shopping: none

I got distracted and missed breakfast so I made breakfast for lunch.

I love beef heart, not only because it tastes very much like beef tenderloin–just a little chewier–but because it is such a bargain. It comes from the grassfed herd at our local dairy, which charges just $5 for a whole heart weighing nearly three pounds. I season pieces of the heart with salt and pepper and marinate them in balsamic vinegar while my iron skillet is getting hot. They take just a few minutes to cook in the hot pan.

The omelet is made with pastured eggs from the farmers market and stuffed with shavings from a wine-soaked cheese that came back from a catering job. To top it all off is the reduced sauce from some braised beef short ribs we made for that same catered dinner. Do I really need to say how good this was?

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