Rhubarb in Bloom
April 22nd, 2010 · 1 Comment · Posted in garden

Rhubarb makes gorgeous sprays of tiny flowers
This time of year the rhubarb plants in our garden are producing tremendous spikes of tiny white flowers. In the past, we’ve cut the flower stems before they get to this stage, redirecting the plant’s energy to its roots. But these plants are in their third year, so we are less concerned about the roots. We let the flowers grow to full size. They make a great show for the neighbors.
The flowers will produce seeds, but they are of no use. Rhubarb seeds do not produce plants true to the parent. Rhubard needs to be planted from root stock.
i love rhubarb, i have three plants but they are not yet producing enough for me , i have searched everywhere ,for some to buy , somtimes i can find a little bit at a stote but they dont get much, does anyone know where i can buy it anywhere in salt lake?