The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Be a Climate-Friendly Gardener

June 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Posted in garden

Help save carbon where it belongs: in the soil

Help save carbon where it belongs: in the soil

Food gardeners can’t prevent global heating, but we don’t have to contribute to the problem.

The Union for Concerned Scientists has put out a helpful guide with steps we can all take to not only reduce our carbon footprint but maintain carbon safely in the soil where it belongs. Composting and cover-cropping are steps that help maintain a healthy carbon cycle. We should also refrain from synthetic fertiilizers and pesticides. But, if you are gardening organically, you already knew that.

The UCS guide, titled The Climate-Friendly Gardener [pdf], is thoroughly researched and smartly written. It’s a good resource for all gardeners, and there’s a section on eco-friendly lawn maintenance as well.

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