I Love This Sprinkler
June 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Posted in garden

Finally, a sprinkler with some thought behind it
I’ve grown to hate most watering equipment–sprinklers, watering wands, sprayers–for the simple reason that they all fall apart. I can count on having to purchase a new watering wand, for instance, every year. Sprinklers also have been a huge disappointment. Some years ago I found one with flexible settings: You could adjust not only the arc of the water, but also the width of the stream. That was a real advantage in our urban garden beds. But it, too, broke and I couldn’t find a replacement.
But look at what we have here! The sprinkler in the photo above, from a company called Melnor, also adjusts two different ways–arc and width–so that we can water just the areas we want in our kitchen garden. Granted, if we were really progressive, we’d have some sort of drip irrigation system. That no doubt would save water. And plants are better off watered at the soil level, rather than from overhead. But we don’t have one of those systems and we do rely on our sprinkler. So this is a great find. And would you believe we got it at Target? So much for garden centers and “full service” hardware stores.
And here’s a bonus: Melnor, located in Winchester, VA, is practically in our back yard. And they’ve been making sprinklers since the 1940s. Our new sprinkler is entirely plastic, so we’ll be watching carefully to see how long it lasts. So far, we have warm feelings for our Melnor sprinkler. Or should I just call it Mel?
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