The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Hello, Barcelona!

October 21st, 2010 · No Comments · Posted in Blog

Entrance to Barcelona's central market

We flew into and out of Barcelona on the trip to visit our friend Bob in southern France. It was simple enough to rent a car at the Barcelona airport and drive the two hours-plus to his house outside Perpignan. On the return leg, we took a hotel room for three nights in the Gothic Quarter (old town), which put us in perfect position to visit the sights. In fact, we were barely a five-minute walk from one of the city’s biggest attractions–the Boqueria, or central market.

It’s a dizzying display of every imaginable food–produce, meats, poultry, seafood, cheeses, wines, mushrooms, candy. Spain’s famous hams are on full display here, along with plenty of opportunities to sample them at the numerous sit-down tapas counters. On our fist visit, we made sure to walk every aisle, some more than once. Here, then, is a photo album from the Boqueria.

No shortage of Iberio ham here

Sausages and salamis lovely to look at

Did you say salami?

Eggs for your Spanish omelette

Mushrooms for that omelette?

More of those hams

Plenty for your sweet tooth

Nuts to go with your candy

The famous chickens from Bresse

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