The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Kids Making Gingerbread Houses

December 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Posted in kids

From our house to your house

It’s turned into a family tradition, the cousins spending a day making gingerbread houses. We’ve learned one important lesson: have the houses assembled a day ahead. Otherwise you are likely to spend the morning with a hair dryer trying to get the icing “glue” that holds them together to dry.

Making doors and windows

Matthew was crazy for the possibilities of green icing. Notice the two-handed approach to squeezing the make-shift pastry sack.

Peppermint candy as decorative trim

Leila’s objective seems to be to incorporate into the construction as many different kinds of candy as possible.

Careful attention to details on the roof

Isabel goes about the task quietly, but with exquisite care and attention to detail.

Getting the shutters just right

Sometimes a mom needs to lend a hand–or a couple of fingers–to make a crucial adjustment.

A green thumbs-up

Jack, meanwhile, seems happy just to have survived another year of gingerbread construction. Something new this year: a full head of hair.

It takes a gingerbread village

All done! And the best part: these homes are all designed to be eaten if you ever get tired of living in them.

Merry Christmas!

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