The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

First Green Beans!

June 14th, 2011 · 1 Comment · Posted in garden

Flowers turn into beans

Right on schedule, we are seeing the tiny blossoms on our bean plants turning into green beans. They grow fast. Some are almost ready to harvest.

These are a flat Italian-style green bean called “Pension” that I planted on April 30. They’re supposed to mature in 53 days. By my count, we still have eight days to go. We love our green beans: they fit our low-carb diet, they grow profusely without hardly any attention, The extras are easy to freeze and we haven’t experienced any pest problems with them at all.

The flat beans are a particular favorite. We like to cook them until just tender in salted water, then toss them with sauteed garlic and anchovies. I can make a whole meal out of that.

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