Talking Pickles with Kojo Nnamdi Today
December 13th, 2011 · No Comments · Posted in food news
The Slow Cook will be joining Kojo Nnamdi today at 1 pm for his regular Wednesday food program, this time talking about pickling. Why we’re talking about pickling less than two weeks before Christmas I’m not exactly sure. But apparently Kojo also wants me to say a few words about the recent demise of our garden, the big kitchen garden that was such a source of joy–and food–for my family on a busy corner lot here in the District of Columbia, just two miles from the White House.
At the first D.C. State Fair in 2010, my sweet pickled zucchini won first prize for “Best D.C.-Grown Food Product.” I’ve never been about making perfect pickles, really, but we were always looking for ways to keep what we grew in our garden, and so often we couldn’t eat it all when it was ready to harvest. That meant preserving it some kind of way, either fermenting with salt as in sauerkraut or deli-style dill pickles or pickling with vinegar. Along the way we’ve come across some amazing recipes, such as the many ways we like to pickle green tomatoes, or the most delicious pickled watermelon rind I’ve ever tasted, infused with the flavor of cardammom.
Often, though, pickling was an improvisation, using whatever the garden had to offer at the moment.
I’m told that I’ll be joined on the show by “master preserver” Nicole Donnelly, author of the Gin and Pickles blog and a judge at the D.C. State Fair the last two years, as well as Chef Logan Cox of Ripple restaurant here in D.C.
As always, the Kojo Nnamdi Show can be found courtesy of WAMU Radio at 88.5 on the FM dial. You can listed to it live either on the radio or on your computer. And if 1 p.m. is not convenient, it’s usually archived within a couple of hours so that you can call it up via the internet at your convenience.
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