The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Arctic Char with Creamy Wasabi Pesto

July 26th, 2013 · No Comments · Posted in dinner, garden, Recipes

Pan seared with improvised sauce

Pan seared with improvised sauce

One of the best features of our food co-op in Cambridge is the fish that gets trucked in fresh from Boston each week. This week, Arctic char was on the menu, one of my personal favorites. I ordered a pound and had it for dinner last night, fried simply in olive oil in the cast iron skillet, topped with an improvised sauce: kale pesto I found in the “free” bin the co-op keeps for volunteers in the walk-in refrigerator mixed with cream and some commercial wasabi paste I had in the fridge at home.

As you can see, nothing to complain about here.

The bonus was the zucchini that was the first to be harvested from the garden my brother-in-law Tom installed a few weeks ago. I didn’t even know we had zucchini ready to pick until I started weeding–finally–and there it was in spades. This is not such great news as far as my wife is concerned. She’s not a zucchini fan. But she does like my version of pickled zucchini, so I see some of that in our future. But even zucchini picked fresh from the garden right outside our kitchen door manages to shine on the dinner plate. It barely resembles the stuff you find at the supermarket–the taste and texture are just so darn fresh and authentic.

I sauteed it in the skillet with olive oil, onion and fresh thyme. It was a fine summer side with the fish.



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