The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

How do You Carry Your Eggs?

December 13th, 2013 · 2 Comments · Posted in farming


Here’s an early Christmas present from my wife: a vintage wire basket for collecting eggs. Good thing, since we’re now collecting more than a dozen eggs from our hens each day and stuffing them in my coat pocket was starting to get old.

But here’s a shocker: the hens don’t lay their eggs at the same time. I find some eggs first thing in the morning, others as the day wears on and even a couple late in the afternoon. The girls have their own schedule, and when it gets as cold as it does around here, that means checking every hour or two to make sure the eggs don’t freeze. Not a pretty sight.

With the coop now parked out in the orchard, we’re getting plenty of exercise walking back and forth from the house hunting for eggs. And don’t we look so sharp with our new egg basket in hand?

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  • barbara

    Yes indeed, it is very sharp — Do the eggs get winter cold walking back to your home? I’ve never had chickens.

  • Ed Bruske

    It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to get them back to the house. Some are freshly laid, so they are quite warm.