The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Out, Damned Clouds!

January 9th, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in rural life, Weather


Ever since we started heating with a wood stove, we’ve become acutely aware of what the weather’s doing, and especially what’s happening with the sun. With a bank of windows on the south side of our house, we can go the entire day without burning any wood at all if the sun is shining, even when temperature outside is below zero. The house heats up quicker and more evenly. The sun, it turns out, is a much more comfortable source of heat and it’s free. We can bank the wood we don’t use for later.

So imagine my chagrin when the only thing separating us from a day of full sunshine was a thin layer of high, thin clouds. Drat! In fact, even with the sun partially blocked I was able to get away with not lighting the stove. The thermometer in the kitchen read 69 degrees. And eventually these clouds did move out of the way, giving us clear skies and our best source of heat.

Here’s hoping for many sunny days ahead….

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