The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

All Together Now

May 19th, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in farming


We recently merged our Friesian ewes with the flock of new lambs and held our breath waiting for a brawl to ensue. But there were no untoward incidents. Everyone is getting along–even the boy goat seems especially mellow these days. As you can see, the little lamb Grace is still the object of intense curiosity sometimes. Mostly she races around the paddock, kicking up her heels. Or just lies in the grass when she’s not nursing.

The entire crew has since moved up the hill to the back pasture where there’s plenty of fresh forage to eat. Seeing them grazing the hillside in the morning light, the pasture dotted with dandelion blooms, is a sight to behold. And we’ve had wonderful spring weather the last few days–cool, sunny, a bit of a breeze. Couldn’t ask for more.

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