The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Making the Farm Beautiful

May 27th, 2014 · 1 Comment · Posted in farming


When my wife isn’t clearing hedgerows to make room for raspberry canes she’s thinking about all the ways our farm could look better. High on her list was the fading red paint on the tool shed and goat shed. Why do barns have to be painted red?

After making a run to the hardware store for pain brushes, up the ladder she went with a can of Sherwin Williams solid stain, color “peppercorn.” Before Memorial Day was over, she had this side of of the shed plus the doors painted. It looks darn good already, and will make the sheds a sight to behold from the front porch of the house.

Also on her list is the big, tarp-covered hay stack. She’s threatening to plant a row of arborvitae trees to block that view. Then there are the pot holes in the driveway, the parking area that turns to a mud pit in the spring.

And I haven’t even gotten to the interior of the house.

Well, somebody’s got to think of these things and it certainly isn’t me. Being a guy, I just go about my business feeding the animals and keeping the grass cut along the fence line.

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  • The Wife

    I’m wondering if two butt shots in a little over a week is grounds for divorce!