The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Our Boys

July 23rd, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in farming


Six weeks ago, we moved our Romney ram off pasture and into the permanent paddock after he escaped from behind temporary fencing where he was grazing with our female goats. He went a little stir crazy for a while, living all alone. But recently he finally got some company when we separated our boy Dorper lamb from the flock. He was starting to get a little too frisky with the girls.

Could this be the beginning of a ruminant bromance? I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I put the two together. I was a little concerned for the physical safety of the boy ram as he is so much smaller. There was some head butting at first. But mostly the bigger ram–Buddy–just followed his new companion around the paddock, attempting unsuccessfully to do what rams are designed to do.

Now the two just graze without any fuss and spend the worst of these hot summer days lazing around in the shade of the walk-in shelter.

Not to worry. Their time will come. Around Thanksgiving, we’ll be counting on these two to make some baby sheep.

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