The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

The New Hens are Laying

October 5th, 2014 · 1 Comment · Posted in farming


The new Rhode Island Red hens we recently moved into the orchard with the existing flock are adjusting quite well. They’ve even started laying their own eggs.

Can you tell which egg belongs to the new hen?

It’s taken us six months to recover from the fox attack that reduced our flock of laying hens by a third. All those eggs that weren’t laid and consequently weren’t sold. Then think about all the time and effort invested in raising replacement hens.

Predators can be very costly, indeed.

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  • Philippa

    The chicks we got at the beginning of April started laying about 2 weeks ago. Their eggs are still significantly smaller than the eggs we’re getting from our older hens.