The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Home Again, Home Again

November 18th, 2014 · 2 Comments · Posted in Weather


We worked all day Sunday shifting into winter mode: stocking up on firewood, moving animals, uprooting and replanting temporary fencing. The weather forecast was awful, including all manner of snow, rain and ice. It looked like a perfect combination for a power outage, so we even filled tubs of water in the basement just in case.

As if on cue, our two rams managed to escape the electrical fencing I had rigged around their enclosure. I found them on the back pasture, looking longingly into the temporary paddock where the ewes were grazing. They waited there patiently until I could move all of the sheep and our Jersey heifer down the hill and into the permanent paddock.

A bucket of feed was all it took to separate Tigger, the goat buck, from his harem of girl sheep. When he finally pulled his head out of the grain, he found himself alone with the two girl goats. He stood on the hillside and cried.

So all of the animals are now with their own kind, just in time for the breeding season. We got another inch of snow and it rained all day yesterday, but the ice storm never materialized. Now we just have to make it through a few extremely frigid days until the weekend, when it looks like things might warm up enough for us to slaughter some chicken broilers.

Never a dull moment on Spy Dog Farm.

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  • Celia

    Stay safe Ed and family and animals… I’ve just seen the snow reports for the NE USA !!!
    We haven’t seen snow since Feb 2013 here, none forecast until late Jan 2015 … unless we get a surprise.

  • Ed Bruske

    Thanks, Celia. Fortunately, we are not affected by that “lake effect” snow that you are hearing about. Everything’s fine–but cold–where we are.