The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

We’re Melting!

December 28th, 2014 · 2 Comments · Posted in farming


For what seemed the longest time, our farm was covered in eight inches of the most awful, slushy, slippery kind of snow. Then suddenly, something like spring descended upon us. It began to rain and one morning we woke up to find all of that snow had melted away.

Revealed again were pastures of very nearly green grass. We couldn’t wait to turn our animals loose on it. They much prefer eating grass growing straight out of the ground and we much prefer not having to lug bales of hay around.

We don’t own a herding dog and we’ve found a bucket of grain acts as a pretty good substitute. Sheep and cow will follow you anywhere if they think there’s some grain for them at the end of the journey. Just be careful to stay well ahead of the pack so you don’t get mobbed.

No telling how long this winter grazing will last. The weather man is calling for a steep drop in temperatures this week. But as long as there’s grass to be eaten and it isn’t covered with snow, we’ll be out there grazing and saving our hay for another day.

Photo by Leila Bruske

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