Snow? What Snow?
February 3rd, 2015 · No Comments · Posted in Weather
Even covered with snow and with 10 inches of new snow on the ground our animals don’t miss a beat. As you can see, the sheep carry a heavy layer of wool insulation around with them. But even the “hair” sheep–the Dorpers–show no ill effects from the latest blast of winter and maintain a fine condition so long as we keep them well fed with hay.
People often wonder whether the livestock don’t suffer in extreme conditions. As you can see, even with a thick layer of snow on their back, they just go about their business. But we did build them this big, south-facing walk-in shelter so they have a place to escape freezing rain, wind and sub-zero temperatures. Even so, on clear nights with the mercury well below zero you’ll find the sheep curled up in a pile of hay out in the paddock. Shelter? We don’t need no stinkin’ shelter!
The goats, meanwhile, seem to be a bit more delicate. They prefer the indoors when the weather turns nasty. We have a small goat shed for them, and this year, with four adult goats, we opened the tool shed as well. Ahead of the latest storm, I stashed hay in the small goat shed and locked the door, so all four goats lately have been sharing the tool shed at night.
Our two small flocks of laying hens each have a coop of their own. Chickens don’t care for the snow, so until we’ve had a chance to shovel an area for them, they are confined to their coops with food and water. Through the miracle of electricity, we are able to keep the water liquid with special heaters that sit under the waterers.
The chickens get fresh feed each morning, and several times a day I trudge through the snow to check for eggs. In this weather, the eggs will freeze if I don’t get to them first–or the chickens will start eating them.
This year’s been easy compared to last. Ten inches? Hah! Last year we had six feet of snow.
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