Still Grazing
December 1st, 2015 · No Comments · Posted in farming
Every day our livestock continue to graze the pastures is another day we don’t have to pay for hay. So I say, graze on.
The sheep have been hanging out near the main paddock lately so I left the gates open and they wandered right in to get at the pasture adjacent. Heck, while we’re at it, let’s open the orchard as well. As long as they don’t start eating the fruit trees, I’m fine with that.
This time last year, we’d already had a foot of snow on the ground, which makes grazing more difficult. As you can see,there’s no such problem this year. In fact, it’s been summer in November in our part of the world.
But with the sun sinking lower in the sky, and temperatures freezing hard overnight, the grass is starting to go dormant. That doesn’t stop these ruminants. They’ll turn up their noses at hay in favor of searching out a meal in the fields. I just wish I had more grass to offer.
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