February 14th, 2016 · No Comments · Posted in Weather
It was about as cold as we’ve seen it here on Spy Dog Farm this morning but the livestock mostly just powered through. As long as they get their ration of grain, the goats are fine. Emily, our Jersey cow, also came running to get her bucket of feed. The sheep were bleating, so I gave them some as well.
The only casualty was one of our Cuckoo Maran hens. On account the wind that was forecast last night, creating wind chills of -40 Fahrenheit, I closed the doors to the chicken coops at nightfall. But one hen remained outside. Maybe she was already ailing. She was stiff as a board when I found her.
Even the most bitter cold isn’t so bad if you have the right gear. We’ve got bucket heaters to keep water for the animals liquid. The freeze-proof hydrant we installed last year is working like a charm. I’m bundled in layers, with a ski mask under my L.L. Bean cap for good measure.
My hooded Carhartt jacket is in tatters. The pockets are full of holes, the sleeves look like they might fall off any minute. But it still keeps me toasty warm. And I am so glad for the $12 rubber boots I bought months ago. Being uninsulated, they don’t keep my toes particularly warm and cracks have opened in the usual places. But they’ve served me well.
Now the sun rises over the hills with a clear sky all around. With all that solar energy streaming through the windows, we can let the fire in the wood stove burn itself out. Meanwhile, a pot of oatmeal simmers on the stove….
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