The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Babes in Snow

April 3rd, 2016 · No Comments · Posted in Blog, farming


We’ve had a bumper crop of lambs this week–twins everywhere you look. Right on schedule, too. We put the ewes in with the rams first of November, and five months later they’re delivering babies.

But just as we were congratulating ourselves on such a mild winter (the animals have been grazing almost continuously for lack of snow), Mother Nature grabs us in her icy maw with another “polar vortex.” With forecasts calling for freezing temperatures, snow and howling winds, we had the good sense to bring all the sheep off the back pasture and into the main paddock until the worst of it passes.

The clock says spring, but we’re told to expect the mercury to crash to 12 degrees Fahrenheit Tuesday night.

This morning there was the usual scrum as I offered grain to the sheep. We like to feed extra calories when the ewes are lactating. And there were the little lambs chasing after the herd. They’re too young to know what the grain’s for. But they love to run after their moms.

They don’t seem to mind the turn in the weather so much. In fact, I’m not sure they even noticed.

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