The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Hey, Kids!

April 30th, 2017 · No Comments · Posted in Blog


Our first lambs of the year–female twins–were born March 28, a bit earlier than usual. Over the next two weeks, 12 more followed. And unlike last year, when we lost several to a bitter cold snap, everybody has been doing just fine.

The goats, meanwhile, started having their babies March 29. We’ve had nine in all. And between sheep and goats there have been three sets of triplets, a new record for us. And guess what? They did it all without any help from us.

There’s so much going on this time of year it’s hard to take it all in. But you can’t help being amused by these little critters as they learn to hop, skip and scamper around. Out the kitchen window, I watch a swarm of lambs race up a hill, zigging and zagging like a murmuring flock of jittery starlings.

Baby goats like to climb on anything–a block of wood, a pile of rocks, doesn’t matter. One minute they race around the pasture, the next they snooze in a furry clutch.

Now the grass is up and the animals are all grazing and nursing, grazing and nursing. The whole farm is shifting into high gear, pointed toward fall.

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