Entries Tagged as 'calving'
Our animals have free range over 12 acres of pasture and that makes us a little nervous this time of year when they’re walking around pregnant. You never know where they might decide to give birth and we’ve had to carry more than one newborn lamb back to the shelter to get it out of […]
The big moment for our Jersey heifer Emily finally arrived Sunday afternoon. She’d become so swollen and leaky lately, she was literally spraying milk. Around 2:30 in the afternoon I noticed the first signs of tiny hooves emerging from her rear end. Half an hour later, next time I tromped out to the orchard to […]
Emily, our Jersey heifer, is due to calve in less than a month and, sure enough, look at the udder she’s growing. We’ve never owned a cow before and have been a little anxious about the whole birthing and milking process. One of the tips we picked up along the way was to start early […]