Entries Tagged as 'compost'
Last winter I fed our livestock by tossing hay bales onto the ground. It’s not the smartest practice, since the animals end up walking on the hay and defecating on it. The result: lots of wasted hay. For months now, I’ve had piles of spoiled hay composting in place. Potentially, it’s great for the soil, […]
My wife doesn’t play when it comes to designing raised beds for a vegetable garden. We’ll never have to worry about wooden structures rotting away because she hired a local builder to assemble our beds out of metal siding. A carpenter added the wood trim, giving us a place to sit while we putter with […]
Tags:compost·raised beds·vegetables
Our livestock ate nothing but hay–about 200 small bales–during a four-month period over the winter. That’s a lot of hay, and I suppose I should have purchased–or built–some sort of feeder to serve the hay in. But like so many things for the novice farmer, the protocols for hay feeding are a work in progress. […]