Entries Tagged as 'Congress'
In an unprecedented act of meddling in school lunch rule making, the U.S. Senate last week approved by unanimous consent a measure that forbids the U.S. Department of Agriculture from limiting the amount of potatoes in the national school meals program. Mainstream media got it wrong: This was not a defeat for the Obama administration […]
The Slow Cook has learned that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will not back away from proposed guidelines for more expensive school food despite demands from Republican lawmakers that the agency eliminate any requirements that would increase the cost of the federally-subsidized school meals program. The GOP-controlled House Appropriations Committee recently attached language to a […]
Tags:Congress·school food·USDA
A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing—especially when it results in a stealthy government formula for raising lunch prices at the nation’s schools that will cause hundreds of thousands of children—perhaps millions–to abandon the program. In its recent re-authorization of the school meals program, Congress included a provision that would force schools to raise […]