Entries Tagged as 'school food'
As this goes to press, I should be landing in Stockholm. At the invitation of the Swedish government, I am attending a two-day conference on how the Swedes feed their kids in school. What I’ve gleaned so far is that Sweden is virtually alone among developed countries in providing free meals to all students. The […]
Tags:school food·sweden
The Slow Cook has learned that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will not back away from proposed guidelines for more expensive school food despite demands from Republican lawmakers that the agency eliminate any requirements that would increase the cost of the federally-subsidized school meals program. The GOP-controlled House Appropriations Committee recently attached language to a […]
Tags:Congress·school food·USDA
Science writer Gary Taubes We may look back on this week as the moment when public opinion finally turned against the idea that fat is what makes us ill and embraced the emerging science implicating sugar as the nation’s number one threat to good health. In Sunday’s New York Time’s Magazine, science writer Gary Taubes […]
Tags:diabetes·falvored milk·heart disease·obesity·school food·sugar