Entries Tagged as 'milk'
Here’s something we’re thankful for on this holiday weekend: the butter we get from our Jersey cow, Emily. I’m still a novice when it comes to milking and making dairy products, so I can’t explain the mechanics behind the evolution of Emily’s milk. It was pretty thin when we first started milking her in the […]
A landmark study on calcium and vitamin D nutrition recently published by the Institute of Medicine poses a serious challenge to a dairy industry campaign to sell chocolate milk to the nation’s school children, finding that only girls aged 9 to 18 might need more calcium and only by an amount contained in a half-serving […]
Tags:child nutrition·milk·obesity·sugar
The School Nutrition Association, representing thousands of school food service workers across the country, has embraced a “study” promoting chocolate and other sugar-enhanced milk that was paid for by the dairy industry, conducted by a firm that specializes in devising corporate marketing schemes, and which the dairy group refuses to release for close inspection. The SNA has […]
Tags:dairy industry·milk·School Nutrition Association