Entries Tagged as 'scythe'
I recently woke up with a badly aching right elbow. In fact, I could barely use my arm. Must be Lyme disease, I concluded. Pain in the joints is a primary symptom, and I knew I’d been bitten by at least one tick since I started work on the farm. That would also explain the […]
Tags:Lyme disease. injuries·scythe
My pasture chores lately consist of coming behind the sheep with my scythe and mowing what they have not eaten. In tall grass and weeds, the sheep find plenty to eat close to the ground. They also strip the succulent leaves off long stems. After a few days, what’s left are scattered clumps of stems […]
My grass cutting duties just never end. The foliage is loving all the rain we’ve been having lately. We’re looking more like the Emerald Isles than Upstate New York. But that just means I need to be out early with my scythe, trying to keep up with all this growth. One area that needs frequent […]