The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Chicken Thighs In Red Sauce — Hunter Style

September 12th, 2009 · No Comments · Posted in dinner, Recipes

A shortcut to chicken cacciatore

A shortcut to chicken cacciatore

This dish sounds an awful lot like the classic chicken cacciatore, but it’s really a shortcut using some leftover marinara sauce that I had in the fridge. I don’t think anyone will be complaining.

I’m partial to the dark meat on poultry. I supposed that makes me incorrect where the diet dictocrats are concerned, since the dark meat has so much more fat than the white. But white meat always struck me as dry and tasteless. The dark meat, with its extra fat, is full of flavor. This is how bad I am: I even leave the skin on! (This is just one of the many benefits of restricting the carbohydrates in your diet: you get to eat lots of tasty fat and make yourself healthier in the process.)

By all means, use a local, pastured chicken for this if you can find one. Me, I found thighs on sale at Whole Foods. I just could not say no to a $2 package of four chicken thighs, especially when we are still recovering from months of rather expensive renovations around the Slow Cook homestead.

First, season the chicken well all over with salt and pepper. Then brown the thighs on both sides in bacon grease (or olive oil) in a hot skillet. Remove the chicken and reserve.

In the same skillet, sweat a medium onion and a red pepper, both cut into bite-size strips, along with a couple of garlic cloves finely chopped. Do this with the cover on over moderate heat and the vegetables will cook faster. When the onion and red pepper are soft, stir in about two cups of your favorite marinara sauce. Perhaps something you canned yourself and have conveniently waiting in the pantry? Add a teaspoon or two or fresh marjoram leaves, chopped fine. If you don’t have marjoram, use oregano or basil. And if not fresh, substitute dried herb. Some capers would also work well.

Lay the browned chicken thighs in the sauce, spooning some sauce over the top of the thighs as well. Cover and continue cooking over low heat until the thighs are cooked through, about 15 minutes. Distribute the thighs and sauce into warmed bowls. We served it with freshly cooked collard greens out of the garden, but I could easily picture broccoli rabe or another seasonal green with this.

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