The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

What’s for Breakfast: Ham, Eggs, Tongue Broth

January 22nd, 2011 · 4 Comments · Posted in breakfast

Here's my breakfast of champions

This breakfast represents two of my personal weaknesses: I love fried ham, and I can’t bear to throw good food away.

Last December we catered a Christmas party for a law firm where we served mini ham sandwiches on homemade sweet potato biscuits. We cut a spiral ham into pieces. Some of it was left over. I couldn’t bring myself to toss it in the trash, so I froze it. I’ve been thawing it and frying it for breakfast ever since. I love a small pile of lightly caramelized ham smothered in fried eggs, sopping up the yoke with the ham.

To wash it down, I’ve got a mug of broth from a recently boiled beef tongue. It’s wonderful stuff, my personal health elixir. After I remove the tongue from the pot, I strain the cooking liquid full of all the essences of onion, leeks, garlic, carrots, herbs. Can you imagine anything healthier?

As you can see from the photo, it goes perfectly well with my wife’s favorite coffee mug.

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