The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

What’s for Breakfast: Homemade Bacon

February 16th, 2011 · 1 Comment · Posted in breakfast

Our new most favorite bacon in early AM sun

Here’s what you do with 6.6 pounds of freshly smoked pork belly: eat it every chance you get.

If there’s any left, we may freeze some of it. But are enjoying our homemade bacon too much right now. It slices like butter and fries up so easily. The big surprise: it tastes like real meat, which is something different from the bacon you typically purchase in the store. I surmise that part of the reason for the uncommonly good flavor and meaty chew is that the pork belly comes from pigs raised with love on local farms in nearby Virginia.

Now that we know how easy it is to cure and smoke our own bacon, we may never buy it at the store again.

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