The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

More Fun with Crepes

May 19th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Posted in breakfast, dinner

Buckwheat crepes with ham and cheese

I had a bunch of buckwheat crepes left over from last week’s cooking classes, keeping them under wraps in the fridge. What to do with them? Well, one night they became dinner. We stuffed them with thinly sliced Black Forest ham and Swiss cheese, then baked them in the oven topped with a pat of butter and shaved Parmesan. Here they are, served next to some poached asparagus.

Crepe with peanut butter and lemon curd?

Daughter turned up her nose at ham and cheese. She had what she thought was a better idea: breakfast crepes for dinner, meaning crepes smeared with peanut butter and blueberry jam–or is that lemon curd?

Breakfast: crepe with poached egg

The next day, I took some crepes over to friend John’s for breakfast. Again I stuffed them with ham and cheese (I don’t mind repeating a good thing) and topped them with poached eggs. Shave lots of Parmesan over those eggs. The crepes do a great job of sopping up the yolks. Delicious.

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  • sylvie in Rappahannock

    mmmm???? crepes? are you allowed to eat them? I know it’s buckwheat, but still that’s carb too, no?

    All kidding aside, crepes are wonderfully versatile as you just proved and easy enough to make too.

  • Ed Bruske

    The problem, Sylvie, is that I can’t bring myself to grow good food away. So I eat the crepes and watch my waistline swell. I also have a big bowl of white bean and fennel soup last night, defrosted from the freezer. If I don’t eat it, nobody else will. It’s the ultimate sacrafice.