What’s for Breakfast
March 5th, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in breakfast
I love leftovers for breakfast. Italian sausage rope and cauliflower were dinner the night before. They’re easy to re-heat. I just added three of our home-grown, pastured fried eggs.
We are eating lots of brassicas this time of year: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale and cauliflower all spring to mind. My favorite preparation for cauliflower involves a very hot over. First, separate the florets and toss them in plenty of extra-virgin olive oil. Season liberally with salt and the best curry powder you can get your hands on. Spread the seasoned florets on a baking sheet and when the oven reaches 450 degrees, place the cauliflower on the middle rack and bake until they are cooked through and well-browned. You may want to flip them over with a spatula once or twice while they cook to brown them all over.
We serve these with all kinds of meat dishes. They’d be an excellent side dish for a curry entrée as well. And, as you can see, they make an excellent breakfast.
Bon appetit!
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