The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm


April 16th, 2014 · 4 Comments · Posted in Weather


Better believe it. It was in the 70s here Monday but last night it snowed and this is the scene we woke up to this morning, with a couple of fresh inches on the ground.

It’s like deja vu all over again. And to think, I just had the truck in the shop to have my studded snow tires switched out for the summer tires. I guess I was being a little too optimistic thinking middle of April winter would be through with us. All the robins and bluebirds I hear chirping must be mistaken as well.

It was just about this time I was contemplating moving the sheep back to the upper pasture to resume grazing and so I could drop the hay delivery drill for a while. That plan’s definitely on hold–at least until the snow melts. Weather man says it won’t get much above 40 today. And I’ve got 50 broiler chicks in the basement who say they want to move outside in a couple of week. Hope we have some grass by then.

Welcome to global warming.

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