The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Tractor Test

April 17th, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in farming


As long as it’s going to be winter again, might as well see how the new tractor performs. The first test was moving a hay bale down the driveway to the winter pasture.

With the temperature around 20 degrees, the diesel engine was a little slow to start. Thankfully, the glow plug that pre-warms the engine heats with the turn of a key–you don’t have to hold it with your thumb like in the old days.

Another note: good reason to keep the machine covered is so the seat doesn’t get crusted with snow and ice. Brushing with a gloved hand doesn’t remove all of it, and feeling it melt on your behind is a bit uncomfortable.

In addition, unlike sitting in a warm truck with the radio tuned to classical music, all you get sitting on a tractor is a face full of winter cold. Time for a new ski mask, maybe?

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