The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Love Blooms

December 8th, 2014 · No Comments · Posted in farming


It was only a matter of time. After moving our boy goat–Tigger–in with the girls, the females finally started showing some interest in their smelly new companion.

In the world of goats, courtship starts with some tail wagging on the part of the girl. They circle each other, ears pricked, then nuzzle. There’s some snorting and pawing on the boy’s part. Finally the female stands and girds herself. But not for long. Before the act is consummated, she starts to walk away, the boy hopping along on two legs behind her.

Tigger has undergone a remarkable transformation. When he was with the sheep, he fell into a frantic rut, constantly chasing after the ewes, bellowing, pawing at them, peeing on himself in the effort to make himself more attractive.

He settled down immediately when we moved him in with the girl goats, Dolly and her daughter Tanner. He’s been a perfect gentleman ever since, and for a while I wondered if he’d lost some of his old spunk. But apparently he was just waiting for the right moment. Because as soon as Tanner was ready, Tigger responded to the call.

With any luck, we’ll be seeing kids about five months from now.

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