The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

The Egg Man Cometh

September 26th, 2015 · No Comments · Posted in farming


Where would our farm business be without our friend Jamie?

Each week I load two shopping bags with 12 dozen of our eggs and drop them off early in the morning at Jamie’s house. He then drives them an hour to his job in Albany where he distributes the eggs to his co-workers. Jamie works in an office that focuses on environmental issues, so many of the employees there are passionate about sustainably grown food like our all natural eggs. In addition, they buy our Freedom Ranger broiler chickens and Jamie delivers those as well.

We have a flock of about 25 Rhode Island Red hens currently stationed in our orchard. We started a second flock of Americauna chickens (aka Easter Eggers) closer to the house because my wife wanted colored eggs. The Americauna eggs are light blue to greenish or even olive tinted. We combine the brown eggs from the Reds with the eggs from the Americaunas to make a designer selection. We carefully alternate the eggs in the cartons to make them especially appealing to the color conscious.

The feedback we get from our customers is that our eggs are the best they’ve ever tasted, with deep orange yolks. The kids, so they tell us, are crazy about them. In addition to foraging in the grasses around their coops we supplement with a non-GMO feed from the local Elsworth Family Farm.

So far, everybody seems to be happy with our little egg operation, except for the 20 new chickens–Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans–we recently introduced to the Americaunas. They still won’t go into their coop at night and last night one of them turned up dead inside their fenced enclosure with its head missing. I suspect a possum or a skunk. Something will have to be done about that.

Stay tuned….

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